Monday, October 22, 2007

生日快乐 Part II






Friday, October 19, 2007





虽然说是还有最后一线希望,而奇迹也的确有可能出现 (就像25年前一样),但是,该准备的还是得准备的。。。比如说,需要阿姨大概整理并交代好一些事情。
















Monday, October 15, 2007

The Number Game

After a hiatus of 6 years, in just 4 days, I'll be another year older on a Friday once more.

The last time my birthday fell on a Friday, I had turned 21.

This time round, I will be just 3 years short of the big 3-0.


I feel like someone had knocked me out cold the night after I blew out my candles 6 years ago, and suddenly, I am now waking up to an older-but-not-necessarily-wiser me.

Wouldn't it be rather nice if life comes with a RESET button and each one of us were born with the right to press the button at least once at any point in our life after the age of, say, 25? When we would probably have accumulated enough silly mistakes and are wise enough to realise (and regret) it?

It would be even better if we can decide on which age and period in our life to return to for that fresh start - I most certainly have no wish to experience PSLE, O'Levels and all the assorted tests and examinations in Poly all over again.

More importantly, we must be able to retain our current "insights" even after our lives are reset, thus ensuring that we do not go down the same old road and repeat the same old "mistakes".

If I could choose, I would return to Year 2000...that would give me 10 long years to get everything in my life on track before I turn 30 (backed by the "insights" I accumulated by now), instead of the 3 years that now remain.

Ooooh...that would be sooooooo wonderful!!! ; )

P.S. I can still remember most of the details of my 21st birthday vividly...from the preparations leading up to the day, to having to purchase a few 寿桃 from Hang Kang Teochew Restaurant on the day itself for a photoshoot for WORK, to staying late in the office while a whole bunch of friends and my sister waited patiently for me for at least 2 hours at the cafe, to a surprise cake and "Happy Birthday" rendition from my then-bosses and then-colleagues...etc etc etc... I can also remember how I celebrated my 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th birthdays...and now, here I am...nearly staring at my 27th in the face.

P.P.S. I am not complaining about turning a year older. I am damn g-r-a-t-e-f-u-l for means I am healthy and well. I am not concerned about growing older (read: ageing); I am more concerned about not growing wiser and more...enlightened..

P.P.P.S. Ok ok yea I confess I do worry occasionally about turning all wrinkly later on in life and other equally vile stuff...but...believe me, I do fret more about other bigger, more important issues of life - such as whether I can afford Botox when the time comes.

P.P.P.P.S. Just kidding. Seriously.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Project Spring-Cleaning (of the room, the soul and my life)

My whimsical boudoir is in desperate need of a solid mess-and-dirt elimination session.

But though the mind is willing, the flesh is w-e-a-k.

I can't quite seem to muster up enough energy to go through the whole dust-wiping, stuff-straightening, fan-cleaning, sweeping and mopping routine.

It just seems so daunting - although I know if I can just get down to it, it will not be that monumental a task; it's only a room, after all.

This afternoon, I had already tackled some of the more major tasks...
I had laundered my sheets and the curtains and hung them up to dry. And just before this posting, I had thrown out some magazines that
no longer have any value to me (read: no articles or fashion/hairstyle/
make-up pictures that can serve as future reference).

Now, at this precise moment, I am wondering if I should head off to
a nice shower and jump into my sheet-less bed to catch some sleep,
or continue to restore my room to its usual near-pristine state so that
I can wake up to a renewed zest for life.

And yes, you read it right - I just equated a clean and neat room with my zest for life. I really do not know how I can go about making this make sense, but one way to explain it is that a refreshed room often means a refreshed state of mind for me. When my room is in a mess and I allow it to stay that way, from experience, it will mean I'll allow other aspects of my life to slip too. And once I can make myself go through the whole process of straightening my room, my spirit will feel brand new all of a sudden, and I'll want to get to work straightening
my life as well.

It's not a's just the way it is with me.

Oki, that's it for now.

I gotta get back to deciding if I should go to bed or continue to clean up my room and mind.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


感谢你提供了非常有利的情报。有机会一定请你吃Fresh Fishie Fishie Sashimi!


“妹妹”(不是“Ah Pui”)。。。对你姐则是
“Ah Dear"。





其实还蛮想试试看,毕竟已经 好-多-年 没听过了,


我们很快就会重逢,ok! 要给我一点时间好好保养保养一下,做多几次masks, 还有再设计一个够劲够年轻的造型,那当我和你们这些青春无敌的家伙走在街上时,才不会一直觉得 我-的-青-春-小-鸟-一-去-不-回-来!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fishie, Fishie, are you reading this?

Hi Fishie,

I'll certainly send your regards to 五姨!

There's only one teeny problem, though...I'll need to know the name you go by in the real world. And I guess it's pretty safe to say it's certainly not Fishie... ; )

Without a doubt, you must be someone who has a pretty good knowledge of my basic family a relative or an ex-neighbour. But who exactly are you? I've some ideas, but I like to know for sure. Do, do, do enlighten me! Thank you!


P.S. I did try to get an answer by visiting your two blogs. But one was a group blog and the other directed me to Yahoo's homepage instead...








身体已经够难受的了,脑子里还会不由自主地一直担心病情和即将得去面对的漫长康复之路。。。真 的 很 令 人 心 疼。





祝阿姨从此以后能够一直健健康康, 平平安安,快快乐乐地好好生活!!!


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

In loving memory of Monster Tan : : 24 September 1994 to 3 October 2007

Today's the day Monster the Cocker leaves her long-time owner/companion, Lyonne, for the inevitable journey to Doggie Heaven.

However, her intelligence, graceful demeanour, beauty, and most of all, her obvious adoration of Lyonne, will stay with me forever.

I will also always remember the joy and relief she brought us whenever she's on Dog Therapy Duty at the office...where she patiently tolerated countless requests from us silly (and stressed out) humans to perform "Paw Paw", "Roll Over", "Spin" and such.

While I am writing all these, I guess Monster is likely to be flying
first-class on the doggie plane to Doggie Heaven. In fact, she's probably sipping sparkling mineral water from a crystal bowl right now, served up by a suave Jack Russell air steward.

I will miss you so much, Monster...

Even though I was aware that you were probably already pushing the limit of the typical life expectancy all these while, I did not really think that you would be gone so soon.

Wherever you may be now, I hope you will realise just how wonderful a doggie you had been...and how much love and joy you had helped to spread around.

We all love you, Monster~~~!!!

Monday, October 01, 2007

HDB Flats = Swanky Apartments?

With the advent of sleeker exterior structures and well-planned interior layouts, and a growing numbers of young families which appreciate design in general as well as the services of interior designers, HDB living has managed to shook off quite a bit of its poorer-cousin-of-private-housing image for a number of years now.

In fact, today, it is entirely possible to fashion a perfectly chic apartment out of a typical HDB flat, be it old or new, so long as one has a generous-enough renovation budget and a good sense of style - or the assistance of a brilliant interior designer and contractor.

And it is all going to get even better in a few years' time.

At the National Day Rally this year, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had unveiled plans to transform new, middle-aged and old HDB estates into more vibrant homes for Singaporeans.

After reading a report on one of the projects in this "Remaking Our Heartland" endeavour in last Saturday's papers, it seems to me that "vibrant homes" is an understatement..."swanky apartments" is probably a more fitting description.

In about 3 to 4 years' time, work is going to commence on "Dawson Estate", which will be located in Queenstown, one of Singapore's more matured housing estates.

Three top home-grown architect firms were commissioned to to conceptualise three separate precincts for this new estate; an unprecedented move in the history of HDB.

The results? Flats done condo-style and very nearly every bit as sophisticated and sleek as their richer cousins, from the facades to the interior structures.

Some of the flats designed by SCDA Architects, one of the three firms involved in the Dawson Estate project, will feature tall ceilings with space for lofts - and gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows, of course (see "artist's impression" below).

It is really pretty exhilarating to imagine that one day, many years down the down, whenever "HDB flats" are mentioned, our minds would automatically visualise an image like the ones above, instead of the "typical HDB flats" that most of us grew up in. (That doesn't mean I am not grateful and appreciative of the public housing that we get to enjoy all these years throughout our nation-building history - it has been great all these time, it's just that I am thrilled it is going to be even better than great in time to come.)

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the government decided to come up with a snazzier replacement name for "HDB" to go with this new era in public housing for Singapore.

I can't wait to see all these changes taking shape. The only downer is, as it will be a few years before work will even commence on the first of these new flats, and many more years following that before they become a regular part of the Singapore lifestyle instead of a novelty,
I will practically be an ancient old lady by then.