Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Cupcake is here!

Oooh this is a lovely day!

My dear Cupcake is at my place!

This is nice, nice, nice!


A beautiful night...

The sky is crimson red, and rain is pelting down hard on the ground.

There are stray raindrops on the screen of my laptop.

Outside, the million trees that line the landscape around my block are swaying wildly to the momentum of the wind.

It is a beautiful night.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Just like a star across my sky...

You are like an unreachable star that shines bright from afar.

I struggle to find that promised silver lining in my cloud.

Years go by and it seems like everything has changed.

And yet it is still the same.

You are always a trillion steps ahead of me.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Confessions of a terrified late 20-somethinger

If my life is a movie screenplay and I am the screenwriter, I'm in serious trouble.

You see, somewhere along the line, I've lost the plot.

Everything started out promisingly enough.

For many years, I knew what the story was going to be like.

I knew what the protagonist (me) was gunning for in life, at work and everything else.

Yet, overnight, ok - over many days and nights or even years, without me consciously realising it, the significance of practically every issue and other leading characters in my life had changed.

Heck, even the significance of me in my very own life seemed to have undergone a major overhaul.

And as if having to re-work the screenplay from scratch isn't nerve-wrecking enough, I have no idea just how I would like the story to continue.

Saying that it's a terribly unsettling situation would be the understatement of the century.
Having said that though, I am not afraid. Ok, I am afraid,
yet not a-f-r-a-i-d.

Am I still making sense to you?

Let me put it this way - this situation is doing a great job of keeping me awake at night, and it even has its ways of sneaking into my dreams such that I wake up to find my heart at the pit of my stomach most times.

However, and this is a big HOWEVER, I do know I am still going to get my story back on track someday - somehow.

Perhaps it's the confidence gained from how I had deal with myself in various previous similar-yet-somewhat-different situations.

Or maybe I just made up this belief in my subconscious mind to keep me sane.

Oh god...now that's a real scary thought.

Anyway. I know I will get everything straightened out again. It may take some time, but it will happen.

The plot may be a very different one. Or it may only have subtle changes that no one who had seen the original story could discern.

But I would know.

Whatever it may be in the end, it will be a movie where the soundtrack boasts stirring, cheery, uplifting numbers, and everyone will leave the theatre happy.

Because it will be a happy movie.

OMFG. I am a real drama queen.

Thursday, June 21, 2007




即使我们一点都不稀罕长命百岁,即使我们时常都会很“潇洒” 地说自己也不希望活太久,可是我想我们没有一个人会真正希望在不是自然老死的状况下离开人世。











这位友人 完全做到了。



Lionel, 我为你感到很骄傲。

Monday, June 18, 2007





或许因为长期被饲养在“好吃好住” 及无须为江湖地位和保住小命而时时准备张牙舞爪的动物园里,老虎们在它们的院子里都表现出一副非常“与世无争”的样子。

他们时而为彼此抓痒,时而调皮地故意激怒对方,玩起追逐游戏。。。然后再“扑通” 一声双双跳进里小河里嘻戏。


有人说,野生动物应该属于大自然,不应该被“囚禁” 起来。





