Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Becky Bloomwood is back with a baby!

Goody goody...one of my favourite characters in the Land of Chick-Lit is back with the latest must-have fashion accessory - a baby!

Though I have waved goodbye to most of my shopping desires, there's no question that dear Becky Bloomwood's hilarious antics alone will provide me hours of delightful escapism. It helps that she now has a near picture-perfect life too (Read: A filthy rich, drop-dead gorgeous, and extremely devoted husband).

*Dreamy sigh*

It's time to hit the bookstore!

Click for an excerpt of Shopaholic & Baby from Sophie Kinsella's Official Website

P.S. Yea yea yea, I know it is a cotton-candy read that will never be in the running for a Nobel Prize in Literature...but nobody has to be all-serious all the time! Life is not meant to be that punishing. And oh, if you think her Shopaholic series is pure fluff, then perhaps you should try your hand at writing a novel that debuts at #1 on New York Times hardcover fiction list! ; )

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