Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Toy

After a decent amount of long and hard thinking (5 days - and another painful 30 minutes outside the Starhub shop at Cuppage), I finally made myself the deliriously happy owner of the Samsung Ultra Edition II U700.

Having gone through a few 'bimbotic' phones that prided form over function in my years as a mobile phone user, I now own a phone that's not only supremely chic and sleek, but which also boasts just enough high-tech trappings to silence most tech snobs.

Presenting, my little bundle of joy..


Monday, August 20, 2007

I Heart Singapore

Catching the National Day Parades on TV has always been a private affair that takes place in my room with no other person around but me and myself.

It has to be so for it can be embarrasing and awkward for all involved if I were to catch it with anyone else.

You see, I always, always, always sob uncontrollably (tears of pride) the moment those familiar and 'traditional' NDP songs come on, such as We Are Singapore.

I will sing along and take the pledge with gusto too.

And when the fireworks start, I will face the direction of my window and do a mouth-splitting silent scream of "Happy Birthday, Singapore!".

I know I probably sound like a real nutcase to you by now, but I am absolutely proud of Singapore and what she has managed to achieve at a such a young age (for a country). Especially when we started off 42 years ago on such shaky grounds.

More than that, I am truly grateful to be reaping the benefits of her achievements. And I am always amazed at my good fortune to be born a Singaporean.

However, I do know plenty of Singaporeans who have tons of bones to pick with the government and the way the country is being managed.

In fact, I have my fair share of dissatisfactions at times too.

Still, let's look at the big picture. Thanks to the never-let-up efforts of the government, we get to grow up - and continue to build our lives - in a society that is not only safe and stable, but also full of promise. One where the vast majority of the citizens never have to worry about not having a roof over their heads, about going hungry, or the ability to secure an education of up to tertiary level for themselves or their offsprings.

That's provided that we also take personal responsibility for managing our life, career and finance well, of course.

Which brings me to another issue - there are just too many Singaporeans out there who cry that they detest living in a nanny state. And yet, they are also the ones who are quick to kick up a big fuss whenever they encounter a situation in their lives that they think can be prevented or resolved if only the government would throw them a lifeline in the form of a government policy.

Now, the point is, Singapore is not perfect, nor will it ever be. No country will ever be perfect. Just like you and me.

And more importantly, a country will never be perfect because it can never please everybody at the same time. Along the way, certain unpleasant or unpopular decisions will have to be made in view of the long-term effects. It's just the way things got to be done sometimes - for the sake of greater good. While we only see how a certain policy is going to affect us right here right now, the people responsible for running the country are likely to have considered its possible positive effects up to a few decades ahead. While we only see what a certain policy will mean to our respective lifestyles, the policy-makers need to think in terms of an entire nation.

Of course, I am not suggesting that we should all flash serene smiles instead of pouting and stamping our feet each time we are reminded of the extra dollars and cents we now need to fork out for our purchases thanks to the increase in GST. In fact, occasionally, some issues can even irk me enough to spew a good amount of obscenities. Though I can see reason, I am still not saintly enough (and will never be) to not curse and swear a fair bit when my life is affected.

Yet, yet, the end of the day, I am still extremely proud and grateful to be a Singaporean.

Once upon a time, serious doubts were cast on Singapore's ability to be independent. However, she has made it to see the day when foreign governments are eager to tap into her experience and expertise in transforming and managing a country.

In some ways, I find the struggles and success of Singapore highly inspirational to me in a personal manner.

She was caught in bad circumstances with the odds stacked against her, and there did not seem to be much that she could use as leverage to launch herself out of the trench. But with careful planning, some bold strategic moves and loads of determination, she did it, and she continues to consistently ready herself to take on new challenges in an everchanging world.

As Singaporeans, we are blessed with the kind of security and stability that serves as an ideal canvas for our personal aspirations. The kind that many in other countries can only dream of.

It's high time we realised just how green our pasture is.

I love you, Singapore!

Friday, August 10, 2007



为了能清楚且专心地好好和对方通话 (因为家里那台老爷电话老是发出沙沙声的杂音) ,我连人带电话地躲进了闷热的衣柜里,半蹲半坐地褒了将近一个多小时的“电话粥” 。

当时,电视上正播放着由郑彬辉 (Tay Ping Hui) 和沈倾剡 (Ix Shen) 主演的电视连续剧 <<随心所遇>>。

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七年后,在这七月至八月间,许久许久没在电视剧露面的沈倾剡(Ix Shen) 再次和郑彬辉 (Tay Ping Hui) 合演了<<保家卫国>>。


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至于我,这七年来就像是上了一堂理论兼实习课。。。虽然说不上是资优生,进度也不是很显著,甚至有些学习项目还可能“肥佬” 过,但是,现在的我已经更清楚该怎么去走接下来的路。


Saturday, August 04, 2007

Seven Years In Never-Never Land

4 August 2000 was 7 long years ago.

But every little detail of that day remains vivid in my mind.

This date means a lot to me for various reasons - in particular, it was the day where two main aspects of my life officially took on a life of their own.

It was also the day where one innocent little prediction was made and subsequently forgotten, only to come true now.

Some days, I feel just like a jaded old granny who's lugging around bags and bags of life lessons and stories. And yet, occasionally, it seems to me that I am still that same relatively-carefree-19-going-on-20 girl all those 7 years ago.
